Hearts & Minds Early Learning Christies Beach offers early education and care with a meaningful and engaging educational curriculum that captures the diverse needs and interests of our children. Our team of professional and passionate educators strive to create warm and welcoming atmosphere that supports the learning and development of all children. Please get in touch with our team to book a tour - or alternatively join our waitlist.
Centre Details
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 6.30am–6.30pm
9 Kerry Street, Christies Beach, South Australia
(08) 8384 3377
Hearts & Minds Early Learning Christies Beach is an established childcare centre in Christies Beach offering 33 child places to meet the needs of families looking for an intimate learning and care environment that supports the development of every child.
Our holistic curriculum is designed to achieve not only school readiness, but to nurture thoughtful, understanding and tolerant young citizens in a way that makes learning fun.
Our onsite cook is making fresh and nutritious meals to fuel your child’s body and mind. We provide breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack to support your child’s learning and play all day. We encourage collaboration with our families and build our menu to suit a diverse range of needs and preferences.
Government Assistance is available to eligible families.
When we say open-door policy, we mean it. We are here to support families in every way we can. Whenever you need to talk, we are here to listen.
The Kindergarten Teacher has created a diverse range of programs to cater for the developmental needs of our 3 to 5 year olds. Brain development is at its peak from birth to five years of age and this is why quality early learning programs are so valuable for your child.
We prioritise the creation of a safe and happy environment for the children at our centre because joy and emotional security promote the best environment in which children are stimulated and engaged in learning. The environment as third teacher is therefore central to our teacher’s pedagogical practice. Learning experiences are created in an intentional and meaningful way that not only build on our children’s prior knowledge and identity but also meet their developmental and emotional needs in a reflective practice. The teacher also ensures that the child’s interest is captured through an emergent curriculum and, where appropriate, learning plans are developed to meet the needs of children with specific learning needs. Our teacher is qualified to work with a diverse range of learning needs.
This creates a holistic learning environment where children can build on their dispositions of curiosity, creativity, and persistence as well as develop numeracy and literacy understanding at their own pace in a Reggio Emilia inspired creative and sensory explorative space. Our teacher also has a degree in science and is keen to introduce a STEM based program through loose parts plan and design using critical problem-solving skills. Education throughout the early years is more than just writing your name or saying numbers. It is about developing a child’s ability to be socially and emotionally resilient and support them in being able to think and problem solve in a rapidly changing world.